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  • 5 Management Training Tips for Creative Leaders and Teams

    The jump to a managerial role poses a whole new set of challenges for creative professionals, especially when they'll be managing a creative team. Here are 5 management training tips from Facebook Reality Labs' Global Executive Creative Director, Jason Sperling.
  • The Dos and Don’ts of Delegating Tasks to Employees

    Delegating tasks doesn’t have to feel daunting. Richard Luecke identifies basic principles on identifying tasks that can be delegated and why other jobs should remain on your plate.
  • Managing People in a Distributed Workforce

    Managing people in the remote environment are enabled by modern-day technologies, but utilized to connect by people.  A manager in this position is not just responsible for equipping employees to touch base with coworkers, but to also facilitate the discussions that elicit the personal connections we expect from our workplaces.